2–6 Dec 2024
America/Bogota timezone

Private Signal Generation in the Search for New Physics in the lepton, b-jet and missing energy signature at the CMS experiment

Not scheduled


Santiago Galvis Duque (University of Antioquia)


Based on studies made in this work https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.05738 they have shown the possibility to find new physics related with a charged boson W’ in the final state of a lepton, b-jet and missing energy in the events of proton-proton collisions in the LHC, collected by the CMS experiment. In this sense, the experimental search is relevant in front of the possible connections with anomalies in the quark b sector that have been measured by other experiments. In this work we present the Monte Carlo signal generation for a process related to W’ production with different masses for a final state with a lepton, b-jet and missing energy.


Cesar Rendon Hinestroza (Universidad de Antioquia (CO)) Jose Ruiz (Universidad de Antioquia (CO)) Santiago Galvis Duque (University of Antioquia)

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