Very Special Linear Gravity (VSLG) is an alternative model for linearized gravity, featuring massive gravitons while still retaining two physical degrees of freedom. Recently, its gravitational period decay dynamics has been calculated through effective field theory techniques. In this work, we aim to test this new model by a complete Bayesian analysis over the dataset of the PSR B1913+16...
Tradicionalmente, las ráfagas de rayos gamma (GRBs) se asocian con el colapso de estrellas masivas o la colisión de objetos compactos. Sin embargo, nuestra búsqueda sistemática en el plano Epeak-Eiso recalibrado revela GRBs que desafían la clasificación convencional. Recientemente, aparentes GRBs largos han mostrado asociaciones con fusiones de estrellas compactas y exhiben emisión extendida,...
Durante el trabajo de investigacion titulado Estudio de geodesicas en el espacio-tiempo de
agujeros negros tipo Sagittarius A*, se determin´o las trayectorias de movimiento denominadas
geod´esicas, que se generan al considerar un sistema compuesto por dos agujeros negros supermasivos
(SMB); para este fin, se emple´o la solucion de Roy Kerr de las ecuaciones de campo de
Einstein, y se...
La motivación para realizar esta investigación surge de la importancia de implementar muongrafía volcánica en Nariño, Colombia. Una región ubicada en la cordillera de los Andes que alberga varios volcanes, entre ellos el Volcán Galeras, conocido por su actividad constante y cercanía a la ciudad de Pasto. Este trabajo se fundamenta en la necesidad de optimizar un sistema de detección de muones....
Esta investigaci ́on se enfoca en estudiar c ́omo las propiedades de los neutrinos se ven afectadas
en una supernova de tipo colapso de n ́ucleo. El estudio se centrar ́a en determinar la variaci ́on del
flujo de neutrinos producidos durante el colapso debido a su propagaci ́on a trav ́es del medio material,
calcular el flujo de neutrinos esperado al llegar a la Tierra y analizar los...
Los resultados experimentales obtenidos en el último siglo proporcionan evidencia de
que las masas de los neutrinos son distintas de cero, pero no permiten determinar la
escala de estas masas. Debido a la influencia de los neutrinos en distintos
observables cosmológicos, como las fluctuaciones de densidad de materia en el
universo, es posible obtener información complementaria sobre sus...
We propose a new and compact realization of singlet Dirac dark matter within the WIMP framework. Our model replaces the standard Z_2 stabilizing symmetry with a Z_6, and uses spontaneous symmetry breaking to generate the dark matter mass, resulting in a much simplified scenario for Dirac dark matter. Concretely, we extend the Standard Model (SM) with just two new particles, a Dirac fermion...
Relaxing the constraints on kinetic mixing is possible if the dark photon can couple directly to Dirac neutrinos
The parameter space of freeze-in dark matter through light dark photon (``minimal freeze-in dark matter'') is currently being probed by direct detection experiments through electron and nuclear recoil. We show the dark matter production in this scenario is sensitive to cosmic equation of state during reheating, from matter-like to kination-like. The main result is that low reheating scenario...
In this presentation I will speak about the production of Dark matter through gluon fusion in the Standard Model and its minimal supersymmetric extensions. Specifically, We are going to discuss the calculation of the differential cross section at leading order for this process.
The Generalized SU(2) Proca theory, despite its potential in modeling various physical phenomena, fails to accurately describe dark energy. Using the Green's function formalism, approximate solutions demonstrate that dark energy solutions exist independently of the cosmic epoch. However, integrating Proca SU(2) dark energy with matter and radiation introduces singularities during the...
In this talk we will first introduce the dynamical scotogenic model, which extends the usual radiative see-saw mechanism by one Z2 even scalar singlet that spontaneously breaks the U(1) lepton number symmetry, and explain some details of its phenomenology, emphasizing in the scalar sector. Then, we explain how this model can introduce neutrino masses compatible with the experimental...
We present single and multi-component scalar dark matter scenarios explored via effective operators up to order $6$. For this, we utilize the mathematica code Sym2Int and generate the relevant operators of the Lagrangian up to the desired energy dimension. The operators are used as interaction inputs for the mathematica package FeynRules to produce the model files necessary for the...
The mechanism of hadron mass generation through the strong interactions of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) accounts for most matter in the visible universe. The pattern of its momentum dependence reflects in the internal structure of mesons and baryons. In this connection, we provide a selective overview of the progress in the computation of the hadron electromagnetic and transition form factors...
Light-front wave functions (LFWF) of hadrons of mesons can be derived from the projection of their Bethe-Salpeter wave functions on the light front. We obtain the Poincaré-covarinat wave functions within a functional approach to QCD, solving first the quark gap equation within a chiral-symmetry preserving truncation scheme and then the Bethe-Salpeter equation of the mesons. With the LFWF in...
A systematic study of the neutrino mass matrix Mν with two texture zeros under the assumption that neutrinos are Dirac particles, is carried through in detail. Our study is done without any approximation, first analytically and then numerically. Current neutrino oscillation data are used in our analysis. Phenomenological implications are studied.
We implement a model with a new non-universal Lmu-Ltau gauge symmetry that contains a Dark matter candidate and a scotogenic realization of a Majorana operator for neutrino masses. and we analyze its phenomenological and theoretical constraints.
En este trabajo, se presenta un análisis detallado al problema del momento magnético anómalo del muón en el contexto de un modelo teórico extendido que incorpora un grupo de simetría $U(1)_d$ adicional al Modelo Estándar de la física de partículas.
El momento magnético es un parámetro fundamental netamente cuántico que mide que tan sensible es el espín de una partícula a un campo...
We studied the Hadronic Light-by-Light (HLbL) contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. Upcoming measurements will reduce the experimental uncertainty of this observable by a factor of four, therefore the theoretical precision must improve accordingly to fully harness such experimental breakthrough. With regards to the HLbL contribution, this implies a study of the high-energy...
We present a canonical quantization for Non abelian Chern-Simons on
the Null Plane coordinates using the Dirac procedure and the
Faddeev-Jackiw formalism. The constraint structure when using
null-plane coordinates is considered and the gauge conditions are
The ATLAS Open Data provides a wide amount of tools so students, professors and different institutes along the world can use them to be trained in the field of experimental particle physics. Along these last years, this collaboration has released a set of different analyses yielding SM and BSM scenarios by using data and mc samples collected during the run 1 and 2 at CERN (with an energy of...
Investigación centrada en el análisis musical y aplicaciones computacionales, enfocada en la sistematización de estructuras musicales, específicamente de los acordes 6-4. El trabajo aborda la identificación y clasificación de estos acordes mediante el uso de herramientas de programación y análisis de datos. En las primeras etapas del proyecto, se presentaron algunas limitaciones técnicas con...
Esta charla se ve inspirada por la que ya hizo el año pasado el profesor Jose David Ruiz, acerca de Arte y Ciencia; y en la misma quisiera abordar el tema de la divulgación científica, su importancia y el rol que los profesores, investigadores y estudiantes jugamos en ella, por qué es importante y qué proyectos de divulgación existen a nivel nacional tanto en Física de Partículas, como en...
First, we present a summary of the current state of our Observatory. Secondly, I talk about the future of our Astronomical and Space Sciences Center, looking forward to establishing international links through agreements with important Astronomical Observatories of the World. Through our dedicated work we have managed to participate in several international projects and also in scientific...
Nuestro trabajo se centra en la investigación y análisis de nuevos modelos teóricos en física de partículas, utilizando los paquetes de software SARAH y SPheno como herramientas principales. SARAH, implementado en Mathematica, es reconocido por su capacidad para la construcción y análisis de modelos como el Modelo Estándar, sus extensiones y en general, modelos de nueva física. SPheno permite...
In this talk, we are going to present the latest results obtained by our group regarding the theoretical predictions of electroweak observables, such as the HLBL contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment, the Higgs boson mass up to three-loop accuracy, and additional Higgs boson properties in both the Standard Model and its main supersymmetric extensions.
The exact formulation of quantum field theories for fundamental particles with spin $\frac{3}{2}$ represents a significant challenge in theoretical physics due to the inherent complexities in describing these systems. In particular, elastic pion-nucleon scattering involves intermediate states with spin $\frac{3}{2}$,corresponding to the $\Delta(1232)$ resonance, which underscores the...
In this talk, we present the implementation of the replica trick introduced by Parisi to incorporate fluctuations of external fields into the QED Lagrangian. As a first approximation, we study how magnetic and thermal fluctuations, described by white noise, induces effective interactions between fermions, exploring the consequences in various scenarios. Specifically, we demonstrate that...
In this talk, I am going to discuss the computations of the decay width of the Higgs boson into a Z boson-photon pair at leading order in the Standard Model and its supersymmetric extensions.
Quantum entanglement is one of the most famous and strange phenomena observed in quantum systems. Going against classical intuition, entanglement and other correlation have been studied widely by researchers mainly in low-energy systems (eV - MeV). The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) provides a unique environment to test these quantum properties at the highest energy scales ever. This can be done...
This work is based on the study of the production of Higgs pairs decaying into bbtautau for high pT (boosted regime). Boosted HH produces highly collimated jets, which sometimes is an inconvenient since conventional methods to reconstruct jets might not be good enough to identify the content of these jets at all. Thus, we focus on the study of the substructure of jets and kinematic variables...
The presentation consists of the work done in the Atlas experiment related to the migration to release 22 of a tagger based on the Lund Jet Plane that allows to understand the jet evolution and to discriminate the process from which they come, taking into account the different regions of the plane. The objective is to compare the performance of this tagger for boosted W, Z (and eventually H)...
La charla tiene como objetivo mostrar el estudio de la estructura de los jets de partículas generados en el LHC para distintas interacciones.
Este estudio se realiza por medio del plano de Lund que es un método gráfico creado a partir de algoritmos de clustering de las señales detectadas luego de la colisión de protones en el acelerador. Posteriormente se realiza el declustering sobre los...
This work focuses on extrapolating the constraints for diHiggs (HH) within the future HL-LHC, specifically targeting the boosted VBF (Vector Boson Fusion) topology. This production mode, while having a lower production rate than ggF, is more sensitive to certain coupling modifiers such as κ₂V.
Previous studies using Run 2 data have shown that the boosted analysis is more sensitive to this...
Inelastic dark matter is a topic of great interest due to its rich phenomenology, which allows for the exploration of particles in the sub-GeV scale. Our study focuses on an inelastic model involving two Majorana fermions, χ1 and χ2, mediated by a dark photon and a dark Higgs boson, the latter being responsible for the generation of mass in the dark sector. Given the scale, we concentrated on...
The series of Large Hadron Collider upgrades, culminating in the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider, will significantly expand the physics program of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. However, these upgrades will also create more challenging experimental conditions, affecting detector operations, triggering, and data analysis [1]. During Run 3, the LHC is designed to achieve an...
Estudio de los jets a bajo pt pertenecientes al proceso $\text{p p > b b~}$ excluyendo a $h$ y $z$ como mediadores, haciendo uso de MadGraph y ROOT.
Para transmitir señales ópticas con alto porcentaje de eficiencia se requiere que la fibra óptica tenga un mínimo de defectos en su estructura.
A través de este análisis se pretende exponer un proceso basado en inteligencia artificial que recibe como argumento una imagen del corte transversal de una fibra óptica y la clasifica como apta o no apta para trasmitir la señal de acuerdo a la...
Taus are third-generation leptons with a short lifetime, and their decay products offer a unique opportunity: by analyzing the kinematic distributions of these products, it is possible to reconstruct variables that reveal tau polarization. Polarization, which is directly linked to helicity, is a crucial observable that distinguishes between right- and left-handed particles. Moreover, with...
The study of third-generation fermion channels at the LHC has gained increasing importance, particularly in light of potential excesses observed in the data. This work is a phenomenological study aimed at establishing and distinguishing the effects of different types of BSM particles that can produce an posible excesses in channels with two taus in the final state. These include resonant...
In this work, we explore the potential of lepton-flavor violating (LFV) Higgs decays as a probe for new physics, specifically through the mediation of an ultralight gauge boson, denoted as $\chi$. Our study bridges the gap between a model generating the LFV interaction $\bar{\ell}_i \ell_j \chi$ at tree level and an effective field theory framework that preserves the light mass of $\chi$. We...
An open problem that the Standard Model does not solve is about the ori-
gin of the mass hierarchy among fermions. Different alternatives have been
proposed by adding extra groups to the Gauge group of the Standard Model or
by building hybrid models with some of them. It has been shown that the S3
symmetry has given good results if, in addition, three Higgs doublets with their
We study the possibility of obtaining the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics as an effective theory of a more fundamental
one, whose electroweak sector includes two non-universal local $U(1)$ gauge groups, with the chiral anomaly cancellation taking place through an interplay among families. As a result of the spontaneous symmetry breaking, a massive gauge boson $Z'$ arises, which...
In this study, we explore the formalisms of quantum field theory to understand the matter-antimatter asymmetry in a new physics scenario. According to the Sakharov conditions, we focus on CP symmetry violation and out-of-equilibrium dynamics.
In particular, we show the relevance of the one-loop radiative corrections in generating a net baryon number. To exemplify this mechanism, we study a...
Asteroseismology, the science that studies stellar oscillations to understand the internal structure and evolution of stars, was the starting point of this work. Two pulsating stars were analyzed, determining their stellar classification and position in the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram. Additionally, two solar-type stars, including the Sun, were studied, and fundamental parameters such as...
Hasta la fecha, la teoría de cuerdas es el candidato más prometedor para convertirse en una teoría de gravedad cuántica. En particular, trabajos de Strominger, Vafa y Maldacena han demostrado que, en ciertas compactificaciones de esta teoría, es posible construir un modelo de agujero negro cuántico en el que se puede contar el número de microestados. Esto se logra utilizando el hecho de que la...
La determinación de la constante de Hubble (Ho) es de gran importancia en la cosmología debido a que está relacionada con la tasa de expansión del universo y su edad. En general existen dos métodos para su medición, uno en el que los valores de Ho se obtienen a partir de la escala de distancia local y otro a partir de medidas indirectas hechas por medio de observaciones del universo primitivo...
Discrete symmetries play a fundamental role in the search for physics beyond the standard model. They offer a unique opportunity to explore new theoretical and experimental dimensions, and could be the key to solve some of the most profound mysteries in modern physics, such as dark matter and dark energy.
Instantons are Euclidean solutions of the Yang-Mills equations of motion, whose existence has been fundamental for the study of quantum chromodynamics. These solutions allow us to explore quantum tunneling and vacuum transitions in gauge theories. In 1978, Eguchi and Hanson proposed a particular type of space-time, which introduced a new way of interpreting instantons in a gravitational...
El proyecto "El Laboratorio Andante" tiene como objetivo llevar la comunicación científica a comunidades alejadas, donde el acceso a la ciencia es limitado. A través de talleres vivenciales en áreas como tecnología, química y astrofísica, se busca fomentar el aprendizaje creativo en niños y adultos, generando interés por la ciencia y utilizándola como una herramienta para la construcción de...
El método de bootstrapping en mecánica cuántica ha ganado relevancia como técnica numérica para determinar espectros energéticos de sistemas cuánticos. A partir del conocimiento del potencial empleado y la implementación de identidades específicas, este método permite obtener relaciones de recursión que facilitan la determinación del espectro del sistema en cuestión. En este trabajo se...
En este trabajo se analiza el modelo de nueva física conocido como leptoquark (LQ) vectorial U1(3, 1, 2/3), para explicar las anomalías reportadas, en la última década, en varios observables asociados a corrientes cargadas y neutras del mesón B, y al momento magnético del muón. Para este fin se revisó el espacio paramétrico, considerando las restricciones establecidas por los valores más...
Este estudio aborda la producción del bosón Z′ en un modelo simplificado que extiende el Modelo Estándar mediante la incorporación de una simetría local U(1)x. Nos centramos en el proceso de colisión p p ->Z’->b bbar, donde se espera observar la emisión de dos jets. Sin embargo, las simulaciones iniciales revelaron un exceso de jets en comparación con las expectativas teóricas. Para corregir...
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are potential candidates for gravitational wave emitters, and peculiar GRBs could provide new opportunities for study in multimessenger astronomy. In this study, we analyze four peculiar GRBs—GRB070724A, GRB070429B, GRB090426, and GRB120804A—all detected by the Swift space telescope.
These GRBs were identified through a systematic search in the Third Swift GRB...
The Yang-Mills theory is a non-abelian gauge theory that describes the fundamental forces of the standard model. The gauge nature of free non-Abelian Yang-Mills gauge theories for symmetry groups SU(N) is analyzed in this work using the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation of Carathéodory equivalent Lagrangians. The gauge symmetry of the theory is implied by the presence of constraints, which are...
En este trabajo se aplica la formulación de Hamilton-Jacobi al campo de Proca, tanto para campos reales como complejos. La ecuación de Proca, una extensión de las ecuaciones de Maxwell, describe el comportamiento de partículas bosónicas masivas. Este estudio busca proporcionar una descripción alternativa a la teoría canónica tradicional mediante el uso del formalismo de Hamilton-Jacobi. Se han...
In this paper there is the study of the abelian gauge theories of Chern-Simons and Maxwell-Chern Simons. The Hamilton-Jacobi method was used for the analysis.
In this theory, the local gauge symmetry of the theory it is presented as the existence of constraints that restrict the phase space, these constraints are interpreted as partial differential equations that must comply with the...
El descubrimiento de los neutrinos masivos plantea un desafío al Modelo Estándar de partículas, ya que este no provee un mecanismo natural para la generación de masas de estos fermiones. Este trabajo se enfoca en el estudio del mecanismo seesaw tipo 1 como una extensión viable que permite introducir términos de masa tanto de Dirac como de Majorana para los neutrinos, explorando así la...
In this study, we investigate Higgs-like resonant signals and recent anomalies found in searches for high-mass scalar resonances at the LHC. We propose a Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM) as a natural extension of the Standard Model to account for these phenomena, incorporating a scalar singlet for additional flexibility. The model's Higgs sector consists of two CP-odd bosons and one charged...
In this work we perform a late time cosmological analysis based on a f(Q) modified gravity theories. Starting from a functional form for f(Q) worked out by one of the authors [arXiv:2311.01857 [astro-ph.CO]], we obtain approximate analytical solutions for the Hubble parameter for different parameters of the model. Using H(z) we perform late time cosmological analysis by exploring the...
Los modelos 331 resultan de gran interés desde el punto de vista teórico y experimental, ya que permiten explicar entre otras cosas la razón por la cual deben existir tres familias de fermiones en la naturaleza y por otra parte tienen parámetros experimentales que pueden acotarse en los aceleradores de partículas como el LHC. En general estos modelos son no universales y por lo tanto tienen...
Pileup mitigation is crucial for jet reconstruction and a crucial tool for improving many physical observables. This work uses graph neural networks and Topo-clusters information to create a classifier of pileup clusters in the ATLAS experiment.
Based on studies made in this work they have shown the possibility to find new physics related with a charged boson W’ in the final state of a lepton, b-jet and missing energy in the events of proton-proton collisions in the LHC, collected by the CMS experiment. In this sense, the experimental search is relevant in front of the possible connections with...
En este trabajo, se realiza una revisión de una deducción general de las ecuaciones de evolución para la densidad de materia oscura partiendo del operador de Liouville y la ecuación de Boltzmann. Este enfoque permitirá obtener la evolución de la densidad de partículas en el universo temprano, lo cual es fundamental para entender cómo la materia oscura no ordinaria (es decir, aquella no...
En esta presentación, abordaremos la producción y emisión de radiación térmica en colisiones de iones pesados, y se discutirán los métodos de medición utilizados en el estudio del plasma de quarks y gluones. Introduciremos las características del QGP, un estado de la materia creado en los colisionadores LHC y RHIC que alcanza temperaturas y densidades extremas comparables al universo...
There is no annihilation decay experimentally observed for the Bc meson to date. The Bc± → ϕK± decay can proceed via annihilation of anti-b and c quarks into a W intermediate boson or, alternatively, involving final-state rescattering effects. Observation of the Bc± → ϕK± decay will provide a new insight on the Bc meson properties and lead to a new independent determination of the Vcb element...
En este trabajo presentamos la solución numérica al problema de los tres cuerpos
en un plano, haciendo énfasis en los casos en que se obtienen soluciones
periódicas. Para este propósito usamos un método de Runge-Kutta de cuarto
orden y nos apoyamos en el lenguaje Python, tanto para el desarrollo numérico
como la ilustración de dichas soluciones. Desde Leonard Euler, en 1767 hasta
un plano, haciendo énfasis en los casos en que se obtienen soluciones periódicas. Para este propósito usamos un método de Runge-Kutta de cuarto orden y nos apoyamos en el lenguaje Python, tanto para el desarrollo numérico como la ilustración de dichas soluciones. Desde Leonard Euler, en 1767 hasta nuestros días, se han estudiado analítica y numéricamente distintas soluciones periódicas, las...
En este trabajo presentamos la solución numérica al problema de los tres cuerpos
en un plano, haciendo énfasis en los casos en que se obtienen soluciones
periódicas. Para este propósito usamos un método de Runge-Kutta de cuarto
orden y nos apoyamos en el lenguaje Python, tanto para el desarrollo numérico
como la ilustración de dichas soluciones. Desde Leonard Euler, en 1767 hasta
La tecnología actual depende del transistor, cuya función es clave para fabricar dispositivos como procesadores y memorias. La ley de Moore establece que el número de transistores se duplicaría cada dos años, lo que aumenta la densidad de corriente y genera mayores temperaturas, afectando la eficiencia energética. A medida que los transistores se reducen a tamaños de orden de los angstroms,...
Using the CHY formalism to calculate scattering amplitudes, we compute the two loop amplitudes for Biadjoint scalar, pure Yang-Mills, pure Super Yang-Mills, pure Gravity and Supergravity in the context of forward limit analyzing the behavior of the singularities and the connection with asymptotic symmetries.
Traditionally, LGRBs have been associated with the collapse of massive stars. However, our systematic search using a recalibrated Epeak-Eiso plane has revealed seven LGRBs that defy the canonical classification. Recent reports of apparent LGRBs are actually associated with mergers and exhibit extended emission, leading to classification confusion. Through meticulous temporal and spectral...