23–27 Oct 2023
Campus Central UIS
America/Bogota timezone

Robustness of the Geometrical Trinity of Gravity.

25 Oct 2023, 10:15
Aula Máxima de la Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica (Campus Central UIS)

Aula Máxima de la Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica

Campus Central UIS

Universidad Industrial de Santander


José Beltrán Jiménez (Universidad de Salamanca)


The equivalence principle naturally provides gravity with a geometrical character. However, the precise geometry we employ to describe it admits a certain flexibility. In particular, within a metric-affine framework, Einstein’s gravity can be equivalently ascribed to the three independent objects that characterise a connection, i.e., curvature, torsion and non-metricity. After reviewing these three alternative descriptions of gravity, I will uncover a general teleparallel description of GR and how pathologies generally arise beyond the GR equivalents. Finally, I will discuss the inclusion of matter couplings within these frameworks.

Presentation materials