23–27 Oct 2023
Campus Central UIS
America/Bogota timezone

Improving LSS analysis with velocities and model-independence

23 Oct 2023, 09:00
Aula Máxima de la Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica (Campus Central UIS)

Aula Máxima de la Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica

Campus Central UIS

Universidad Industrial de Santander


Miguel Quartín (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)


The large upcoming spectroscopic surveys like DESI and Euclid will enable a very precise measurement of the matter power spectrum and bispectrum on a vast range of scales. I will discuss how this precision can be improved with the combined use of galaxies and standard candles as tracers of the matter and velocity fields. I will show the benefits of using either supernovae or bright standard sirens as standard candles for this purpose. I will also discuss how this increase in precision can come hand-in-hand with improved accuracy by using a methodology which analyzes the mildly non-linear scales of the LSS data without the need to make any model assumptions on the nature of dark energy. Finally, I will forecast the achievable precision with this methodology for the most relevant cosmological parameters and discuss how this could resolve the issue of the cosmological tensions.

Presentation materials