Neutrinos en Colombia NuCo2023 Workshop 30th September 2023 Universidad Antonio Nariño |
The third NuCo workshop (Neutrinos en Colombia) will be held on the 30th September, 2023, at Universidad Antonio Nariño, in Santa Marta, Colombia. The goal of the meeting is to provide an opportunity to discuss various aspects of Neutrino physics, like
- Neutrino oscillations
- Long Baseline Experiments
- Reactor, Accelerator, Atmospheric, and Solar Neutrinos
- Neutrino interactions and Cross-sections
- Neutrino Masses and Mixing, CP Violation
- Sterile Neutrinos
- Exotic Physics with Neutrinos
- Neutrinos in Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Our community is a growing, active and diverse one, working on a variety of theoretical and experimental aspects of neutrinos. Hence, a broad approach to neutrino physics research is necessary given the nature of the challenge.
We expect this event to provide a platform for maximizing interactions and creating new collaborations. Furthermore, we foresee several shorter lightning talks on specific topics. These are meant to highlight individual and/or unusual ideas and can also help increase the visibility of younger scientists.
Important dates:
• Registration deadline September 27th, 2023
• Abstract submission deadline September 27th, 2023
Please feel free to contact us for any additional information. We are looking forward to hearing from you at your convenience.