Neutrinos - Theory
- Enrique Arrieta Diaz (Universidad del Magdalena)
- David Vanegas Forero (Universidad de Medellín)
- Mario A Acero (Universidad del Atlantico)
Presentation materials
In this talk I will describe a theory where the Inverse seesaw mechanism is implemented not only in the neutrino sector but also in the SM charged fermion sector in order to explain the pattern of SM fermion masses. To the best of my knowledge, that model corresponds to the first implementation of the inverse seesaw mechanism for the charged fermion sector. I will discuss its implications in...
Lepton number violation (LNV) is usually searched for by the LHC collaborations using the same-sign di-lepton plus jet signature. We discuss multi-lepton signals of LNV that can arise with experimentally interesting rates in certain models of neutrino mass generation. Interestingly, in such models the observed smallness of the active neutrino masses, together with the high-multiplicity of the...
We show the analisis to one-loop light neutrino mass considering the Type-I Seesaw Model. In our work we have two parts: with and without SUSY. The mass insertion approximation method is applied to calculate the one loop corrections in SUSY considering diagrams that contain lepton number violation terms in order to observe its effects on the light neutrinos masses. In Non-SUSY case (
Cherenkov neutrino detectors offer a powerful tool to study long-lived particles that are produced in the decay of mesons from atmospheric showers. In this talk, we explain this approach by considering the lightest neutralino in the context of R parity violating (RPV) supersymmetry, and show how to use Super-Kamiokande atmospheric neutrino data to place constraints on the parameter space of...
Dark matter (DM) particles are predicted to decay into Standard Model particles which would produce signals of neutrinos, gamma-rays, and other secondary particles. Neutrinos provide an avenue to probe astrophysical sources of DM particles. We review the decay of dark matter into neutrinos over a range of dark matter masses from MeV/c2 to ZeV/c2. We examine the expected contributions to the...
The recent COHERENT collaboration results on the neutrino-nucleus coherent elastic scattering boosted the interest in this line of research. We will address some aspects of the neutrino-nucleus coherent elastic scattering, the impact of the actual measurements, the proposals for future investigations to observe this process within the standard model and beyond.
Dentro de los bloques constitutivos de la materia se encuentran los neutrinos, su estudio ha jugado un papel principal no sólo a la hora de confirmar las predicciones teóricas del modelo estándar (ME), sino también en la búsqueda de nueva física (NF). Una de las evidencias más claras de NF que tenemos hasta la fecha, se conoce como oscilaciones de neutrinos.
Actualmente la física de...
Durante esta charla presentaré los avances realizados de mi trabajo de investigación de grado. Iniciaré con una descripción de la dispersión elástica coherente neutrino-núcleo (CevNS), en particular, mostraré el desarrollo del cálculo de la sección eficaz de este proceso. Posteriormente se abordará el análisis estadístico
Para explicar los resultados experimentales de las oscilaciones de los neutrinos es necesario considerar que estas partículas sean masivas; no obstante, el modelo estándar de la física de partículas elementales, el esquema teórico más exitoso que explica con buena precisión tres de las cuatro interacciones fundamentales de la naturaleza ,asume que los neutrinos son partículas sin masa.