29 November 2021 to 3 December 2021
America/Bogota timezone

Lepton number constraints from loop corrections to light neutrino masses in the low-scale SUSY Seesaw

2 Dec 2021, 16:30
Regular Talk (15'+5') Neutrinos - Theory Neutrinos - Theory


Omar Suarez-Navarro (PUCP)


We show the analisis to one-loop light neutrino mass considering the Type-I Seesaw Model. In our work we have two parts: with and without SUSY. The mass insertion approximation method is applied to calculate the one loop corrections in SUSY considering diagrams that contain lepton number violation terms in order to observe its effects on the light neutrinos masses. In Non-SUSY case ($3+2$ and $3+3$ scenario), we can see the eigenvalues behaviour in the limit case when $M_5>>M_6 $ y $M_5<


Dr Joel Jones-Perez (PUCP) Dr Werner Rudolf Porod (Julius Maximilians Universitaet Wuerzburg (DE)) Omar Suarez-Navarro (PUCP)

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