29 November 2021 to 3 December 2021
America/Bogota timezone

Neutrino-nucleus coherent elastic scattering as a test of the standard model and the search for new physics.

2 Dec 2021, 17:30
Short Talk (5') Neutrinos - Theory Neutrinos - Theory


Blanca Cecilia Cañas Orduz (Universidad de Pamplona)


The recent COHERENT collaboration results on the neutrino-nucleus coherent elastic scattering boosted the interest in this line of research. We will address some aspects of the neutrino-nucleus coherent elastic scattering, the impact of the actual measurements, the proposals for future investigations to observe this process within the standard model and beyond.


Blanca Cecilia Cañas Orduz (Universidad de Pamplona)


Eduardo Rojas (Universidad de Nariño) Omar Gustavo Miranda Romagnoli (Cinvestav)

Presentation materials