Common Session
- Mario A Acero (Universidad del Atlantico)
- Gabriela Alejandra Navarro (Universidad Antonio Narino (CO))
QMexico is an organization that brings quantum computing researchers and enthusiasts from Colombia and Mexico together. Its main goal is to popularize quantum technologies and software. Also, through education and skill development opportunities, QMexico is training the next generation of quantum scientists. For this talk, we will focus on recent efforts to promote this emerging technology in...
The charged current production of long-lived heavy neutrinos at the LHC can use a prompt charged lepton for triggering the measurement of the process. However, in order to fully characterize the heavy neutrino interactions, it is necessary to also probe Higgs or $Z$ mediated neutral current production. In this case the charged lepton is not available, so other means of triggering are...
The Standard model (SM) is one of the most successful physics theory, however it presents disagreements between some predictions and the observations. One of them has been studied in the last decade and it's related to the lepton universality. The $R_{D^*}$ Anomaly appear to be enhanced respect to the standard model by roughly $30\%$ with a global significance of $\approx 4\sigma$. This has...
Different models of physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) predict different kinds of $Z'$ bosons, motivating the search for these particles at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this work, a $Z'\longrightarrow t\bar{t}$ analysis in the semileptonic top quark pair channel is presented, using the ATLAS Open Data Dataset at a centre-of-mass energy of 13TeV and corresponding to an integrated...
Cosmic Rays, Water Cherenkov Detector, Monte Carlo Simulations.
The studies of cosmic rays (CR) is mainly performed by using detectors installed at theground; this detectors registered the secondary radiation produced by the interaction ofCR with Earth atmosphere. Since 2010 Colombia is an active member of the large scaleobservatory LAGO (Latin American ...
The Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO) is an observatory array of Water Cherenkov
Detectors (WCDs) expanded throughout Latin America, from Mexico to Antarctica, with
scientific objectives to study the cosmic rays, space weather phenomena, and ground-level
atmospheric radiation. The quality of the data recorded by LAGO is guaranteed based on a
protocol that includes the...
The space weather phenomena have an important impacts in science and current
technological structure. This work is focused on the interaction between solar transient events and cosmic rays, specifically on Forbush Decrease (FD) events. A FD consists in a decrease/affectation on the counts of radiation a ground level during an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME) crossing...
We use the JUNO experiment which is a reactor neutrino experiment to constrain the parameters of the Large Extra Dimension (LED) model. The parameters of this model are the radius of extra dimension $R_{LED}$ and the lightest neutrino mass $m_0$. We select the JUNO experiment because its aims is to determine the hierarchy of the neutrino masses and for this it will simultaneously measure the...
In this work we study the $K$-matrix formalism and show how this can be applied to Dalitz plot analyses of charm-meson decays, such as $D^{0}\longrightarrow K_{s}^{0}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$. The $K$-matrix, in contrast to the typical Isobar Model (IM), allows to properly include in the decay amplitude broad-overlapping resonances and non-resonant background, which are features of some of the known...
We present a $\texttt{Mathematica}$ package, called $\texttt{SpaceMath}$, for Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) parameter space searches which be agree with the most up-to-date experimental measurements. The physical observables implemented in $\texttt{SpaceMath}$ are classified in five categories, namely, LHC Higgs boson data (LHC-HBD), Flavor-Violating Processes (FVP), Oblique Parameters (OP),...
Mientras que experimentos de oscilaciones de neutrinos han dado evidencia de que los neutrinos tienen masa y se mezclan, aún no se tiene una teoría que explique la estructura de estas mezclas, plasmada en la conocida matriz PMNS. Antes de la medida del ángulo de reactor ($\theta_{13}$), la matriz PMNS presentaba una simetría de intercambio $\mu$-$\tau$ consistente con un valor de cero para...
A Peccei-Quinn~(PQ) symmetry is proposed, in order to generate a realistic mass matrix ansatz with five texture-zeros for both quark and lepton sector in the Standard Model~(SM). Limiting our analysis to Hermitian mass matrices we show that this requires a minimum of 4 Higgs doublets. The price we pay is to have Yukawa values in the lepton sector much lower than 1, but consistent with the...
La física moderna ha entrado en una nueva era de precisión donde los observables físicos, como las masas de las partículas o la correlación energía-energía de átomos hidrogenoides, deben ser medidos experimentalmente y calculados teóricamente con una mayor precisión. La búsqueda de nuevos grados de libertad físicos es también una prioridad en la agenda de los aceleradores de...
In this work we present a phenomenological analysis of a WIMP/axion dark matter model with radiatively generated neutrino masses. In this model the PQ mechanism is responsible for Dirac neutrino masses through the realization of a five-dimension effective operator at one-loop level , as well as for the stability of all mediators in the loop by means of a remaining Z 2 symmetry originating from...