30–31 May 2019
Other Institutes
America/Bogota timezone

The spin of primordial black holes

31 May 2019, 09:30
Other Institutes

Other Institutes

Universidad Antonio Nariño - Sede Circunvalar Carrera 1 # 47A - 15, Bogotá Teatrino 1 https://goo.gl/maps/84pprmM9ZJS2


Jorge Noreña (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso)


I will briefly discuss the simplest scenarios for primordial black hole formation, and the reason behind the recent interest in these objects. I will then show that one of the predictions in these scenarios is that primordial black hole spin is small, in the sense that the spin parameter is of the order of a percent.


Jorge Noreña (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso)

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