Jan 15 – 18, 2018
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Chile/Continental timezone


The program of the school will cover a broad range of topics in the main areas of High Energy Physics. The school is aimed at graduate students and young postdocs, however exceptional undergraduate students are encouraged to participate. Some previous knowledge of Quantum Field Theory will be useful in order to be able to profit fully from the courses.

There is no registration fee and we have limited funds available to help students with local-expenses during the school. Please note that our budget does not allow us to provide support for flight ticket and transportation. The number of participants are limited. If you are interested to attend the school please register before 03 November 2017

All lectures of the school will be in English. Lectures will be published on the website.

We strongly encourage students to participate in our HEP conference before the school.

Local Organizing Committee:

  • Carolina Arbeláez
  • William Brooks 
  • Oscar Castillo-Felisola (Chair)
  • Nicolás Neill
  • Marcela González 
  • Juan Carlos Vasquez
  • Iván Schmidt

National organizing committee:

  • Rodrigo Aros (UNAB)
  • Dumitru Astefanesei (PUCV)
  • José Barea (UdeC)
  • Juan Carlos Helo (U. de La Serena)
  • Marcelo Loewe (PUC)
  • Gonzalo Palma (U. de Chile)
  • York Schröder (U. del Bio Bio)
  • Alfredo Vega (U. de Valparaíso)
  • Jorge Zanelli (CECs)
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Building A
Avenida España 1680 Valparaíso, Chile


School contacts:  

Oscar Castillo-Felisola (hep.school.usm@gmail.com) [1]

Patricia Alvarado (patricia.alvarado@usm.cl)

Victoria Lobos (victoria.lobos@usm.cl)


Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Avda. España 1680. Edificio E, Of.400
Valparaíso, CHILE

Phone: (+56) (32) 2654636

[1] For technical reasons we have dropped the email provided by University.