4:30 PM
Collectivity in hadronic collisions: An initial-state perspective
Kevin Dusling
(Physical Review Letters)
4:50 PM
Complex angular momenta approach for scattering problems in the presence of both monopoles and short range potentials
Fabrizio Canfora
5:10 PM
One loop light-cone QCD, effective action for reggeized gluons and QCD RFT calculus
Sergey Bondarenko
5:30 PM
NNLO classical solutions for Lipatov's effective action for reggeized gluons
Semyon Pozdnyakov
(Ariel University)
5:50 PM
The BFKL challenges from nonperturbative QCD
Marat Siddikov
(Universidad Santa Maria)
6:10 PM
The Pomeron spin-flip and its measurements
Michal Krelina
(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)