Nov 5 – 9, 2018
Suranaree University of Technology
Asia/Bangkok timezone


     Photo during the Asian Network School and Workshop on Complex Condensed Matter Systems 2018

    Photo during the Asian Network School and Workshop on Complex Condensed Matter Systems 2018 1


The Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Institute for Basic Science (PCS-IBS) and the School of physics, Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) are organizing the Asian Network School and Workshop on Complex Condensed Matter Systems, to take place at SUT, in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand from 5 to 9 November 2018.



This School+Workshop is an annual event  organized by the ICTP Asian Network on Condensed Matter and Complex Systems that brings graduate students, postdocs, and other young researchers from several Asian countries together with established international researchers in fields related to complex condensed matter .  It is hosted each year by one of several affiliations in Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines.  Last year's event was held at VAST in Hanoi, Vietnam.  


During the school, which takes place Nov. 5-8, invited lecturers will give comprehensive presentations, typically two hours long, of their area of research interest in a pedagogically-friendly style. During the workshop, on Nov. 9, shorter presentations by invited speakers will be interspersed with less formal discussions.  All participants are strongly encouraged to contribute their own research for the poster session, which will also be held on Nov. 9.

Both theoretical and experimental work on complex condensed matter will be discussed. This year's event will place a particular emphasis on computational methods for studying structure and dynamics in complex systems.

Suranaree University of Technology
Suranaree University of Technology 111, Thanon Maha Witthayalai, Suranari, Mueang Nakhon Ratchasima District, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000

School of physics, Institute of science, Suranaree University of Technology,
111 University Avenue, Muang District
Nakhon Ratchasima 30000