Dec 3 – 4, 2018
Asia/Bangkok timezone
December 3, 2018 : the manuscript template has been uploaded

How to register / submit abstract and proceeding

more information could be found at

In case you are having issues to login using the Facebook, Google, Live, Yahoo login option, please click the link below.

  1. You have to register your account to
    1. You can use an external account provider including Facebook, Google, Live, Yahoo to register to indico system. If you don't have an external account, please apply to one of them. Indico will not store your account, and password. If you want to change password, please follow the step of your account provider.
    2. In Registration page, click on "Login to proceed". 
    3. If you have the official CERN account, you can sign in with your username. 
    4. If not, please look for "Sign in with a public service account" then click on "Facebook, Google, Live, etc." 
    5. Follow the steps to register.
    6. When the login complete, you should see your name on the top right corner. When you are done, please go to the next step, Registration.
  2. Registration to the conference
    1. Fill the registration form, and click submit. You can also modify them later.
    2. When it's done, and the form is submitted, you will
      • See you name in "Participant List" on the left menu.
      • Get the confirmation email. Please check your Junk box, if you don't see it in your inbox. If you don't get it after 24 hour, please contact "".
    3. When your registration completed, your information will be completely independent from the profile. If you want to change your information again, please use "Modify my Registration" under registration section. Modification on the profile will not change the conference database. The conference details will be used on all materials of conference, including Abstract book, registration, and receipt.
  3. Abstract submission
    1. Click on the "Submit Abstract" menu.
    2. Please fill title, content, and summary (not mendatory). The special characters in content and summary should be typed as LaTeX formulae . [example]
    3. Choose type of contribution.
    4. Choose primary authors, and co-authors. In case you are primary author, you can search your name in "Add primary user". For co-authors, if they already registered to this conference, you can also search for them.
    5. After finish, you will get the confirmation email.
    6. Note that, after submission (both abstract and paper), you can modify them at any times before they are assigned to committee, and after you get feedbacks from committee. The abstract (and paper) will not be allowed to modify during the consideration period. To Edit the Abstract:
      1. Press "View my Abstract".
      2. Press on your abstract's title.
      3. Click on "Pencil" icon.
      4. Modify your abstract and save it.
      5. Please don't resubmit your revision from "Submit Abstract".
  4. Manuscript submission
    1. Manuscript template is available in this : Guide for Authors
    2. Please bring your manuscript (three hard copies and manuscript file) to the submission desk before 6pm on 3th December 2018.