3–4 Dec 2018
Asia/Bangkok timezone
December 3, 2018 : the manuscript template has been uploaded


Not scheduled
Poster Registration


Ms SAENGDAO JANDA (Mahidol University)


The research of prospective cohort study aimed to examine factors of health service delivery system and patient-related factors affecting re-attendance at the ED of the elderly patients with exacerbation of COPD with 60-day follow-up. The samples included 816 patients randomly selected with multistage method from 47 hospitals in 16 provinces covering all regions of Thailand. Data were collected during January- July 2018 and the samples were calculated with sample size requirement for survival study proportion for cohort study and proportion for multilevel analysis.
The findings reveal that patients re-attendance at the ED in 60 days occurred for 61.9$\%$. Community hospitals, re-attendance rate was 63.5$\%$ while the re-attendance rate at tertiary hospital was 54.9$\%$. The highest re-attendance rate was 5 times and the majority re-attended for 1 time (51.3$\%$). Time to re-attendant had a median of 38.5 days. Top 3 provinces with highest re-attendance rate included Srakaew, Nongbualamphu and Lampang. The result of multilevel survival analysis indicated that 1) the patients who previously visited at ED with COPD were likely to re-attend for 1.9 times of the patients whose never visited (HR 1.91; 95$\%$ CI 1.38 – 2.67) 2) the patients who were admitted with COPD tended to re-attend for 1.3 times of those who have never been admitted (HR 1.31; 95$\%$ CI 1.06 – 1.63) 3). The patients who had anxiety were likely to have re-attendance for 1.6 times of those with no anxiety (HR 1.61; 95$\%$ CI 1.26 – 2.05) and the patients who did not have an appointment to see physician at OPD after discharge from ED tended to re-attended the ED for 1.4 times of the patients with an appointment (HR 1.39; 95$\%$ CI 1.12 – 1.73).
The finding suggests that health service systems at ED should be improved with transferal of patients to continuing care.

Area of Interest : Nursing Research


Ms SAENGDAO JANDA (Mahidol University)

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