- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
FPCP 2018 is jointly organized by IIT Hyderabad and University of Hyderabad. The venue of the Conference will be the University of Hyderabad Campus.
The FPCP conference series was founded in 2002 through the merger of the Heavy Flavor (HF) and B Physics and CP Violation (BPCP) conference series.
The aim of this conference is to review developments in Flavor Physics and CP violation, in both theory and experiment, exploiting the potential to study new physics at the LHC and future facilities. The topics include CP violation, rare decays, CKM elements with heavy quark decays, flavor phenomena in charged leptons and neutrinos, and also interplay between flavor and LHC high pT Physics. There will be regular review talks both in theory and experiment and review talks are by invitation only.
In FPCP 2018 there will also be short talks (15 min. each) in addition to the regular review talks. For experimental short talks nominations should come from the collaborations. For theory short talks one can submit the abstract and title in the website. For poster presentation one can also submit the abstract in the conference website.
(Accepted abstracts will be intimated at an appropriate time).
Oral as well as poster presenters will be invited to publish their paper in the online proceedings.
Please note that web-based payment of registration fee is not possible. Kindly refer to the registration section of the Conference Homepage for the same.