5:15 PM
Ultraviolet complete leptoquark scenario addressing the B physics anomalies
Nejc Košnik
(J. Stefan Institute, University of Ljubljana)
5:15 PM
Direct CPV in K-> mu mu
Teppei Kitahara
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
5:15 PM
Precision measurements of CKM parameters
K P Prashanth
5:30 PM
Flavor anomalies in extended gauge models
Marta Moscati
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
5:30 PM
A solution of fermion mass hierarchy in the SM
gauhar abbas
(Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India)
5:30 PM
Study of the time reversal symmetry in the decay of ortho positronium atom usig J-PET detector
juhi raj
5:45 PM
Updates on unitarity triangle analysis in and beyond the SM
Marcella Bona
(Queen Mary University of London (UK))
5:45 PM
Partial mu-tau reflection symmetry and its verification at DUNE and Hyper-K
K N Deepthi
5:45 PM
Input from the charm threshold for the measurement of gamma and charm mixing (including four-body) including charm threshold prospects with BES III
P K Resmi
6:00 PM
New physics contribution to neutrinoless double beta decays in LR symmetry model with universal seesaw
Sudhanwa Patra
(Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, India)
6:00 PM
b->c l nu anomalies in light of vector and scalar interactions
Aritra Biswas
6:00 PM
Results and prospects in B Physics with ATLAS
Tom Chuen Cheng
6:15 PM
LFU in the B sector:- a global analysis of various NP models
Dinesh Kumar
(Rajasthan University, Jaipur)
6:15 PM
Estimation of T and CPT violation in neutral B meson mixing from indirect CP asymmetry
Anirban Karan
6:15 PM
b -> s mu mu at CMS
Deepak Kumar Sahoo
(National Institute of Science Education and Research (IN))
6:30 PM
majorana dark matter in a new B-L model
Shivaramakrishna Singirala
6:30 PM
Rare deacys: a window to new physics
Nivedita Dash
6:30 PM
Charm mixing study at Belle and prospects at Belle II
Minakshi Nayak