11–15 Dec 2017
Hotel Peterhoff, Shimla, India
Asia/Kolkata timezone

DPS studies with open charm hadrons at LHCb

13 Dec 2017, 18:25
Conference Hall (Hotel Peterhoff, Shimla, India)

Conference Hall

Hotel Peterhoff, Shimla, India


Vanya Belyaev (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU))


LHCb observed the associated production of bottomonia and open charm hadrons in pp collisions at centre of mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV is observed. Production
cross-sections are measured for Υ(1S)D0 and Υ(1S)D+ pairs in the forward region.
Measurements of the production of J/ψ mesons accompanied by open charm, and of pairs of open charm hadrons are shown.

Presentation materials