In this work, we study the future constraints on dark energy models using 3D 21-cm power spectrum for SKA1-mid. We use three parametrisations for the dark energy equation of state. For each model, we compare the deviations in 3D power spectrum for each parametrisation from concordance LCDM model. We show that the SKA1-mid will be able to put significantly tighter constraints on dark energy...
Fast Radio Bursts (FRB) are highly energetic ($\sim10^{33}$ J), short duration ($~$ms) radio pulses. The dispersion and the scatter broadening in the observed pulse width of the detected FRBs exhibit the propagation effect in the cold ionized plasma of the interstellar medium of the Milky Way and the host galaxy of the source and the intergalactic medium. The exact source mechanism of FRBs...
Inner part of a thin accretion disk around a Kerr black hole plays an important role in understanding the fundamental physics of the strong gravity regime. A tilt of such a disk about the spin axis of the black hole leaves an imprint on the observation by affecting the observed spectral and timing properties of the disk X-ray emission via LT precession. The inner part of such a disk was...