26–30 Nov 2018
America/Lima timezone
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Polarization signatures from effective interactions of Majorana neutrinos

29 Nov 2018, 16:15
Room N111, McGregor Building (PUCP)

Room N111, McGregor Building


Parallel Talk (Theory) Neutrinos Parallel Talks A


Dr Lucía Duarte (UdelaR, Uruguay)


We study the capability of angular and polarization observables to disentangle different new physics contributions to the production of heavy sterile Majorana neutrinos in the lepton number violating channels $e^{-}p\rightarrow l_{j}^{+} + 3 jets$ ($l_j\equiv e ,\mu $) and $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \tau^{+} \tau^{+}+ 4 jets$ in electron-proton and electron-positron colliders. This is done investigating the angular and polarization trails of effective operators with distinct Dirac-Lorentz structure contributing to the Majorana neutrino production, which parameterize new physics from a higher energy scale.

arXiv 1802.07620


Dr Lucía Duarte (UdelaR, Uruguay) Dr O. Alfredo Sampayo (UNMdP, Argentina) Mr Gabriel Zapata (UNMdP, Argentina)

Presentation materials