Undervisningssektionen (Gymnasie): Visit to ESS
- Susanne Tegler
Undervisningssektionen (Gymnasie)
- There are no conveners in this block
Karin Markenroth Bloch
17/06/2022, 09:00
Karin Markenroth Bloch
Forskare och föreståndare för den nationella 7T-anläggningen, Lunds Universitet
Eugenia Etkina,
Gorazd Planinsic
17/06/2022, 09:01
Eugenia Etkina (Rutgers University, USA) and Gorazd Planinsic (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
In this workshop the participants will learn the foundations of the Investigative Science Learning Environment approach (ISLE) to teaching and learning physics and how to use this approach to help students invent the concepts of energy, work, and energy conservation. Specifically, we will...