23–25 Nov 2020
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Upgrades of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Readout Electronics for the High-Luminosity LHC

23 Nov 2020, 17:24


Katherine Dunne (Stockholm University (SE))


The High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is expected to provide a data set of 4000 fb-1 allowing precision Higgs physics and search for deviations from the Standard Model. The HL-LHC poses new challenges in terms of radiation hardness and requires an unprecedented ability to select interesting collisions (trigger) at the collision frequency with a fully digital trigger.

The ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) records hadronic shower energy depositions that are used for triggering and physics data analysis. HL-LHC requires a complete replacement of the TileCal readout chain, with new radiation hard electronics compatible with the fully digital trigger architecture.

This flash talk will discuss upgrades to the on-detector TileCal read-out and control board (Daughterboard). The Daughterboard sends continuous high-speed readout of digitized PMT samples, slow control, and monitoring data to and from off-detector electronics. We present a design that minimizes single points of failure with double-redundancy, brings an enhanced timing scheme, improves radiation tolerance by mitigating Single Event Latch-up (SEL) induced errors, and features a more robust power-up and current monitoring scheme.

Abstract Track Flash talk, LHC


Katherine Dunne (Stockholm University (SE))


Samuel Silverstein (Stockholm University (SE)) Christophe Clement (Stockholm University (SE)) Eduardo Valdes Santurio (Stockholm University) Christian Bohm (Stockholm University (SE)) Suhyun Lee (Stockholm University (SE))

Presentation materials