Oct 2 – 3, 2019
Linköping University
Europe/Stockholm timezone
See you in October at Partikeldagarna in Linköping!

Payment information

Deadline and fees:

The deadline for registration fee and conference dinner payment is on September 1, 2019, see the main page for details about what is included in the conference fee.

Price: 900 SEK (conference) + 600 SEK (conference dinner). If you would like to bring a guest to the dinner, it costs 600 SEK extra.  

Please wait until your registration is complete to make the payment (you will receive an e-mail from indico). In case of overbooking of the rooms, we can get in touch with you and give precedence to students and postdocs.

Payment details:

Recipient: Lage Hedin / Svenska fysikersamfundet
Account: Plusgiro 26 83 - 1
IBAN (for payment from abroad): IBAN SE94 9500 0099 6042 0002 6831
Mark the payment "Partikeldagarna Linköping" and your name.

Once you have sent the payment, please also send an email to Arnaud Ferrari with the subject [Partikeldagarna payment] and adding who/what you paid for, so that we can keep track of who paid on Indico.

Address (if needed)

Svenska fysikersamfundet
Lage Hedin
Inst. för fysik och astronomi
Uppsala universitet
Box 516
751 20 Uppsala
Organisationsnummer: 845000-7342.