28 August 2023 to 2 September 2023
SISSA Building, Miramare, Trieste, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Bubbles associated with protoclusters at the time of reionisation.

28 Aug 2023, 21:35
1h 25m
Main Auditorium (SISSA Building, Miramare, Trieste, Italy)

Main Auditorium

SISSA Building, Miramare, Trieste, Italy

Via Beirut 2, Trieste


Polo Infante


Reionization of hydrogen in the intergalactic medium (IGM) is a landmark in structure formation. Redshift z ~ 7 is the frontier in Lyalpha and reionization studies and appears to be in the middle of reionization. In the “LAGER” project (Lyman-Alpha Galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization), we take deep narrowband images to identify Lyalpha emission at z ~ 7. In this poster we present several protoclusters, which may be associated with reionization bubbles at z~7.


Polo Infante

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