Workshop starts on Monday morning 15 July and ends on Tuesday 16 July al 3 pm.
Workshop program
Book of abstracts
Talks and photos (available after login).
Invited talks
Alexei Gurchenko |
JOFFE, St. Petersburg |
Investigation of isotope effect in particle and energy transport phenomena at the FT-2 tokamak at different densities |
Michael Griener |
IPP, Garching |
On the nature of I-phase bursts at ASDEX Upgrade |
Takashi Nishizawa |
Wisconsin, IPP |
Direct measurement of a toroidally-directed zonal flow in a toroidal plasma |
Matteo Agostini |
RFX, Padua |
Study of the role of divertor neutrals and SOL turbulence in the density shoulder formation and evolution in ASDEX Upgrade |
Tatsuya Kobayashi |
NIFS, Japan |
Frequency and plasma condition dependent spatial structure of low frequency global potential oscillations in TJ-II stellarator |
Peter Donnel |
Turbulent generation of poloidal asymmetries in a tokamak" (addresses synergies between neooclassics and turbulence as well as transport of impurities) |
Myriam Hamed |
Stability of kinetic microtearing modes" (especially applied to the pedestal of JET) |
Pascale Hennquin |
Change of intermittency in Doppler reflectometry data at the density limit |
Marcelo Baquero |
Blob dynamics near X-points and suprathermal ion studies in TORPEX |
Nick Walkden |
Turbulence in the Tokamak Divertor MAST |
Carsten Killer |
IPP, Greifswald |
Turbulence in the island divertor SOL of Weldenstein 7-X |