Welcome to Indico Global!

February 27, 2017 to March 2, 2017
University of Torino
Europe/Rome timezone

The Arnold-Regge Center for Algebra, Geometry and Theoretical Physics is a Research Center based on an agreement between the University of Torino and the University of Eastern Piedmont. It is devoted to fostering fundamental research at the interface between Theoretical Physics and Mathematics.

Conference events will include the presentation of the Center at Cavallerizza Reale in Torino (Monday, February 27th), the dedication of the Aula Magna of the Physics Department to Tullio Regge (Tuesday, February. 28th), and a workshop (Tuesday, February 28th - Thursday, March 2nd). Two public lectures, on the evenings of Wednesday and Thursday will be part of the outreach activities.


Local Organizing Committee:

Laura Andrianopoli (Politecnico di Torino)
Carlo Angelantonj (Università di Torino)
Leonardo Castellani (Università del Piemonte Orientale)
Anna Ceresole (INFN Torino)
Pietro Frè (Università di Torino and Italian Embassy, Moscow)
Pietro Antonio Grassi (Università del Piemonte Orientale)
Lorenzo Magnea (Università di Torino)
Mario Trigiante (Politecnico di Torino)

University of Torino
Cavallerizza Reale
University of Turin (Department of Physics) and University of Eastern Piedmont (Department of Science and Innovation Technology)