The 2023 annual workshop on Parton Showers and Resummation (PSR 23) will be held on June 6-8 at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy. The workshop brings together researchers from the QCD communities involved in analytic resummations and parton shower event generators, focusing on their relations. Recent advances in resummation techniques, parton shower algorithms and QCD phenomenology will be presented, and the latest developments and applications will be discussed.
Registrations will close on May 15th 2023
We advise you to book your accommodation as soon as possible, due to competing events in Milan around the same dates last minute bookings could become very difficult and very expensive.
The conference will be in person and the attendance is limited to 100 participants. Talks are by invitation and planned to be in-person only.
For those interested in giving a talk, please get in touch with the organizers. We will try our best to accomodate your talk in the available free slots.
Local Organizing Committee: Simone Alioli, Davide Napoletano, Paolo Nason, Carlo Oleari, Emanuele Re