Sep 18 – 28, 2023
Granada, Spain
Europe/Zurich timezone

The International Doctorate Network in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology (IDPASC, is an interdisciplinary network whose aim is to train a new generation of high-level experts in the fields of Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology.

The 12th edition of the IDPASC school and workshop will be held in Granada (Spain), organized by the High Energy Particle Physics group of the University of Granada with the support of the IDPASC network and Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics, LIP.

This school aims at training the next generation of physicists that will investigate open questions in the PASC domains in the coming decades. The school offers a multi-disciplinary approach that will help each student, which starts to specialize in one domain, to keep a broad view on the different PASC domains. This will be a key skill to optimally use the complementarity between different approaches to shed light on the same problems with a different angle such as Dark Matter, physics beyond the Standard Model or multi-messenger physics. On top of the main courses, the school will also propose some hands-on session in specific domains such as ML for PASC problems.

A school fee of 700 euros must be paid via bank transfer to the Caixabank account with IBAN ES50 2100 4224 3113 0009 0097 (beneficiary name and address: Universidad de Granada, Avda del Hospicion s/n, 18071, Granada, Spain) upon confirmation of the registration by the organizers. This fee includes half board accommodation at the Carlos V University Residency (checking-in on the 18th, checking out on the 28th), the school banquet, coffee breaks and touristic activities.  A reduced fee of 350 euros that does not include accommodation can be requested during registration. A small number of grants to partially cover the fee are available. Please if you want to apply for one of these grants indicate so in the registration form. Registration dealine: June 23, 2023.

Granada is a lively city with a rich cultural life. It has historic ties to the Mediterranean culture, including the South of Europe and the North of Africa. Its University is among the oldest in the world and it contains a large number of  world-renowned monuments like the Alhambra or the Cathedral. It is also located at a perfect spot for recreational activities in the form of hiking in the mountains (including Sierra Nevada), visiting traditional mountain villages (Alpujarra) or the tropical coast of Granada.

As part of the School program, students are welcome to attend the public talk on "Science in Al Andalus", by Professor Abdelhak Djouadi (University of Granada).


Preliminary program:

SM and beyond (Mikael Chala, UGR)
Astrophysics and DM (Bradley Kavanagh, IFCA)
Astroparticle Physics (Grabrijela Zaharijas, UNG)
Cosmology (Constantinos Skordis, CEICO)
EFTs in particle physics and cosmology (Javier Fuentes-Martín, UGR)
Neutrino physics (Diego García-Gámez, UGR)
Detectors (Patricia Sánchez-Lucas, UGR)
Symmetries and group theory (Renato Fonseca, UGR)
Gravitational Waves (Alicia Sintes, UIB)
Machine Learning (Lara Lloret, IFCA)

Special Public Lecture: "Science in Al Andalus" (Prof. Abdelhak Djouadi, UGR)


Local Organizing Committee:

Adrián Carmona

Javier Olmedo

Patricia Sánchez Lucas

José Santiago (chair)


International Advisory Committee:

Nuno Castro (LIP/UMinho)

Bertrand Laforge (LPNHE Paris, CNRS/IN2P3, Sorbonne U., U. Paris Cité)

Mario Pimenta (LIP/IST)

Alberto Ruiz (IFCA)



Natalia Antunes (LIP)

Granada, Spain
Salon de Grados, Edificio Mecenas
Edificio Mecenas, Facultad de Ciencias. C/Adolfo Rancaño s/n.
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Application for this event is currently open.