The Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has been operating since 2006. The integrated EPICS based control system has performed well but now requires a variety of upgrades to maintain high availability and support facility upgrade projects. These upgrades are largely possible due the flexibility of the EPICS architecture. This talk covers recent system improvements along...
The ITER project is in full construction with more and more support systems in commissioning and 24/7 operation. The EPICS based control system is about 15% complete towards first plasma considering energized instrumentation and control racks or integrated process variables.
In this talk we report on the current status of the ITER project with emphasize on the integration, commissioning and...
CHIMERA is being built in Sheffield UK by the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (UKAEA). It will be the only machine in the world able to test components under the unique combination of conditions encountered in large fusion devices. The SCADA control software will use EPICS and is being produced by Observatory Sciences under contract to Jacobs Clean Energy.
In a collaborational effort (ITER/HZB-BESSY/ESS/PSI), a Device Support for the OPC UA industrial SCADA protocol is under development. Goals, status and roadmap will be presented.
PyDM is an open-source PyQt-based framework for building user interfaces for control systems ( PyDM is developed and maintained at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. PyDM provides an easy connection between GUI’s and EPICS in an accessible programming language with an expansive community of developers. PyDM has seen recent updates including PVAccess,...
EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrical Control System) procServ is used extensively throughout the Canadian Light Source (CLS) and has proved itself incredibly valuable for diagnostics.
An initiative has been undertaken to port it Python for the purpose of having a single, cross-platform (more or less) drop-in replacement. Along the way, other features and options have been...
The HBM MGCPlus [1] DAQ system is a modular system for acquiring wide range of analogue signals at relative high acquisition rates (up to 19.2 kS/s per channel) with high channel count in a single chassis (up to 128). We have used the StreamDevice for applying settings to the device. We have used the asyn to acquire the DAQ data published by the device. The setup was depending on the...
The temperature control of the crystal optics is critical for meV-resolution Inelastic Scattering Beamlines. For 1 meV photon energy resolution, the absolute temperature stability of the crystal optics must be below 4 mK to ensure the required stability of lattice constant stability required. The temperature control enables setting the absolute temperature of individual crystal, making it...
EPICS and Tango are two of the most popular control systems widely used in scientific facilities. They are based on different designs, but they allow for interaction with multiple kinds of hardware devices. Sometimes the support for some devices is already provided by Tango Device Servers, but integration with EPICS is not yet implemented. In that cases, EPICS Tango Bridge is a perfect...
Step scan, Trajectory scan: ESS will use neither nor.
All data is collected in apache kafka (a data pool).
All detectors and cameras need to time stamp their data,
and so must the motion controllers.
We look at an ongoing development and scratch the surface:
Facility-wide timing, TwinCAT, EPICS
Detectors based on TimePix3 chips are complementary to existing, within NSLS2 synchrotron, direct detection sensors represented by Lambda, Merlin, Eiger/Eiger2, and Pilatus detectors. Compared to Eiger/Eiger2 and Pilatus family the smaller pixel size will result in a 2-fold increase in signal to noise and the physical characteristics of the device will allow us to mount it further away from...
Recent developments and future plans for EPICS Base from the EPICS Core Developer's Group.
The operation of ITER is expected to happen not only directly in the ITER control room, but also to benefit from human capital from around the globe. Each ITER participating country could create a remote participation room and follow the progress of experiments in relatively real time. Scientists from all over the world can collaborate on experiments at the same time as they are performed....
Python is becoming increasingly popular choice in Control System applications due to its ease of use and plethora of available analytical tools. Following the Python principles, PyDevice project tries to simplify the use of custom Python code from EPICS records. Since the initial version, many new features were implemented that make PyDevice even more attractive for slow controls, scientific...
The ITER Real-Time Framework (RTF) is a software framework for building real-time applications such as the Plasma Control System (PCS) and plasma diagnostics. It is entirely written in C++ and it runs real-time control loops on isolated CPU threads adapting the busy-wait synchronization techniques to optimize the response time and jitter. A given RTF application is instantiated from XML-based...
Our society has been benefiting from Zynq/ZynqMP SoCs that integrate ARM processors and programmable logic fabric by utilizing their flexibility from processing system (PS) and high performance from programmable logic (PL). However, the typical approach for utilizing such systems has observed several problems during deployment and maintenance. Firstly, implementation of a typical EPICS...
Overview of the contributions, discussions, and results of the "EPICS 7" Workshop earlier this week.
GUI testing is an important and difficult part of any HMI toolkit. We have adopted TestFX to create automated GUI tests for the various JavaFX components of Phoebus.
This talk will cover the control system upgrades necessary to support the APS upgrade project (APS-U)reduce currently in progress to increase the light source brightness. The upgrade involves replacing most components in the storage ring to implement a multi-bend achromat Lattice.
Two new high level control tools have been developed at the Advanced Light Source which have been made available for the community to use and collaborate on. The first tool, phoebusgen, is a Python module which allows for the programmatic creation of CS Studio Phoebus XML. The tool allows for quick screen development and is especially useful for engineering panels which contain many widgets in...
Clog (Compact Electronic Logbook System) is a web-based logbook system aimed to be used in accelerators. The goal is to design and implement a logbook system with modern web technologies but in a very simple way. The features of this system are compact design, multiple login methods support and multiple languages support. Recently the development of Clog 2.0 has been finished and will be used...
RTEMS is now available in version 6 and includes the FreeBSD network stack. This enables the use of modern protocols like NFSv4, DHCP etc.. This has of course caused incompatibilities to the previously used integration in EPICS which will be fixed step by step. The presentation will provide an overview of ongoing activities in this area.
Overview of the contributions, discussions, and results of the "Build and Deployment" Workshop earlier this week.
Summary report of the Timing workshop on Tuesday morning.
Summary of the Motion Control Workshop