3–7 Jun 2019
ITER Headquarters (B72)
Europe/Paris timezone

EPICS Tools for Small Experiment Based on PLC

5 Jun 2019, 16:50
Cosylab Arena (ITER Headquarters (B72))

Cosylab Arena

ITER Headquarters (B72)

ITER Organization Route de Vinon-sur-Verdon 13067 St. Paul-lez-Durance (France)
Talk Services Services


Mrs Katy Saintin (IRFU1, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, F-91919 Gif-sur-Yvette, France)


IRFU[1] software control team (LDISC) is involved from feasibility studies to equipment deployment into many different experiments by their size and running time. For many years, LDISC is using PLC solution for controlling part of the experiment, and two different SCADA:

  • MUSCADE, in-house SCADA dedicated to small experiments.
  • EPICS for big facilities.

With MUSCADE, LDISC has developed a set of tools that gives an easy and a fast way for PLC developers to configure the SCADA. As EPICS projects are growing in our department, we are working now on adapting those tools to EPICS:

  • PLCParser, which generates an EPICS database for PLC communication (S7PLC, Modbus).
  • Dxf2Opi, which converts Autocad DXF files into OPI files for CSS software.
  • MOONARCH[2], which reduces EPICS Archiver Appliance data files storage.
  • CAFEJava[3] API, which runs a simulated EPICS IOC to test EPICS synoptic, and provide EPICS process variables access for any Java application.

[1] Irfu, http://irfu.cea.fr
[2] MOONARCH: Memory Optimizer ON Archiver Appliance
[3] CAFÉ Java: Channel Access For Epics Java


Mrs Katy Saintin (IRFU1, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, F-91919 Gif-sur-Yvette, France) Mr Paul Lotrus (IRFU1, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, F-91919 Gif-sur-Yvette, France)

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