Students will work in smaller groups (4...5 people) on hands-on laboratory exercises. There a 5 exercises in total, you will be able to do 4 of them (which means you have to choose one which you DO NOT WANT to do). Here is a short description of the exercises.
1. Time of Flight measurement
2. Pulse shape discrimination
3. Timepix detector
4. EasyPET
EasyPET is a desktop experiment that demonstrates the principle of PET imaging. It consists of two scintillating crystals coupled to two Silicon photo multipliers. The detectors rotate around a positron emitting source and detect two coincident 511 keV gammas from the positron annhilation. Configuration of the detector, mechanical movement, readout and analysis is performed by LabView based software running on a Windows computer.
5. Image reconstruction
Use the GATE simulation toolkit on your laptop to study various problems in image reconstruction
6. Photon Counting