7–17 Jul 2018
Cape Town
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Women In Engineering (Science, Technology, Physics and Mathematics) Welcome

11 Jul 2018, 15:00
iThemba LABS (Cape Town)

iThemba LABS

Cape Town

Old Faure Road, Faure Cape Town 7131 South Africa


Cinzia Da Via (University of Manchester (GB)) Igle Gledhill


Diane Grayson holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Washington and an honorary doctorate in science teacher education from Umeå University in Sweden. She is passionate about helping students succeed through taking a scholarly approach to teaching and curriculum design that promotes effective student learning. She has served on the Council of the South African Institute of Physics, the International Commission on Physics Education and the STEM Committee of the Academy of Science of South Africa. She has worked as an academic and in management at the University of KwaZulu Natal, UNISA, University of Pretoria and the Mathematics, Science and Technology Education College, and also ran her own consultancy, Andromeda Science Education. From 2012-2017 she was a Director at the Council on Higher Education, where she was responsible for the system-wide Quality Enhancement Project, designed to promote student success at all higher education institutions. In 2018 she joined the University of the Witwatersrand as Senior Director: Academic Affairs.

Presentation materials