Large Experiments 2
- Sascha Schmeling (CERN)
In order to optimise its physics reach in the LHC Run3, for the years 2020 and beyond, the LHCb Collaboration decided to re-optimise the detector and the data acquisition system. The new detector will operate at the LHC bunch-crossing frequency of 40~MHz, without a first level hardware trigger. The implementation of the data-acquisition and of the online computing system for the software...
The upgraded High Luminosity LHC, after the third Long Shutdown (LS3) will provide an instantaneous luminosity of 7.5 10**34 cm-2 s-1 (levelled), with a pileup of up to 200 interactions per bunch crossing. During LS3, the CMS Detector will undergo a major upgrade to prepare for the Phase-2 of the LHC physics program, starting around 2026.
The upgraded CMS detector will be read out at an...
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is one of the four main experiments at
CERN Large Hadron Collider. The ALICE collaboration plans a major detector upgrade during long shutdown 2,which is at present foreseen to start at the end of year 2018 followed by Run 3 starting in year 2021. The CTP will manage different interaction rates, 50 kHz in Pb-Pb up to few hundred kHz in pp collisions. The...