Welcome Reception
Monday June 11 - 6:15PM - 8:15PM
In the gardens of The Spa of Colonial Williamsburg
It is around a 20 min walk from the Woodlands Hotel. You can also take the free shuttle from the hotel. Get off at the shuttle stop across from the Williamsburg Lodge. Buses will also be provided leaving from the Woodlands Hotel starting at 6:15.
IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE) Reception/Panel
Tuesday June 12 - 5:45PM - 7:00PM
Woodlands Conference Center
We invite all interested attendees (both genders) willing to participate in an informal discussion on some of the challenges and successes around increasing the level of interest and participation for women in the real time fields of engineering and physics. A reception with refreshments will be provided for participants. This event will start immediately following the end of Tuesday's scientific program.
Wednesday June 13 - 1:30PM - 5:30PM.
Tour of the National Historical Park on Jamestown Island
This is the original site of the first successful English colony in North America in 1607. We will tour the Island as well as some of the active archeological excavations currently underway.
Buses will leave the front of the hotel promptly at 1:30PM.
Conference Dinner
Thursday June 14
Reception - 6:30PM - 7:30PM
Dinner - 7:30PM - 9:30PM
The Williamsburg Winery
Conference dinner and awards banquet will be held at this local Farm/Winery.
Buses will begin leaving the hotel for the winery at 6:00pm.
Jefferson Lab Tour
Friday June 15 - 1:45 PM - 4:45PM
Attendees who will be staying in the area after the end of the conference can optionally sign up to take a tour of Jefferson Lab (Experimental Halls and the 12 GeV Electron Accelerator).
Buses will leave the Hotel around 1:30PM and return before 5PM.