9–15 Jun 2018
Woodlands Conference Center
America/New_York timezone
**** See you at Real Time 2020 ****

A programmable clock generator for automatic Quality Assurance of LOCx2

12 Jun 2018, 14:40
1h 30m
Woodlands Conference Center

Woodlands Conference Center

159 Visitor Center Dr, Williamsburg, VA 23185
Board: 123
Poster presentation Control, Monitoring,Test and Real Time Diagnostics Systems Poster 1


Mr Yi Feng (University of Science and Technology of China)


The ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter (LAr) Phase-I trigger upgrade requires high-speed, low-latency data transmission to read out the LAr Trigger Digitizer Board (LTDB). A dual-channel transmitter ASIC LOCx2 have been designed and produced. In order to ensure all the LOCx2 chips behave properly, a Quality Assurance have to be conducted before assembly. The problem I am trying to solve in this project is to yield a clock signal with continuously adjustable frequency and phase offset to generate and control an eye diagram for the QA. By configuring the registers of an any-frequency generator IC, Si5338, the clock signal whose frequency range from 5Mhz to 200Mhz have been properly produced. For the purpose of further development, a C-language based DLL which packs up the function of adjusting frequency and setting phase offset was designed and built , and several evaluation was perform to ensure the robustness. It is a programmable clock generator with the interface –USB and easy to be integrated a test setup system. Through programming, the frequency of clock generator can be configured and changed in real time and integrated to an automatic test program.

Minioral Yes
Description clock
Speaker Jian Wang
Institute USTC
Country China


Jian Wang (Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China) Mr Qi-jie Tang (University of Science and Technology of China) Dr Tiankuan Liu (Southern Methodist University (US)) Mr Yi Feng (University of Science and Technology of China) Mr Zhi-yue Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)

Presentation materials