Welcome to Indico Global!

Nov 25 – 26, 2024
Ruhr-Universität Bochum Campus
Europe/Zurich timezone

Discussion of the plans for upcoming ErUM Data call. 


Scientific progress often stalls when models remain inaccessible or unreproducible after publication. "Democratizing Models" introduces an AI-driven platform with three core pillars: a standardized model format for human-readable serialization, a sharing portal for open accessibility, and an AI-driven encoding interface to simplify model preparation and reuse. Pushed forward by an interdisciplinary consortium, the project tackles great challenges across a diverse range of applications, from enabling proper presentation of systematic and model uncertainties to breaking down complex nested models. This initiative paves the way for wide collaboration and innovation across disciplines.

We welcome to collaborators interested to extend domain of application and expertise of the consortium, please get in touch! The time table is preliminary, get in touch if you like to present something.

Information about the BMBF call


Actual information (15-Jul-2025) on the upcoming funding period of ErUM-Data

Announcement of ErUM-Data call expected for autumn/winter 2024,
Deadline for submitting applications expected mid January 2025,
Start of funding period 1. Oct. 2025.

Coordination meeting

On November 4th in Aachen, link to indico


The meeting is confined in two days, participants are invited to spend one night in Bochum. There are many different options for hotel, here are a few cheep ones:

  • accessible accommodation in RUB campus is LSI, that would cost about 60EUR with a breakfast,
  • Other good options is DJH in the city center,
Ruhr-Universität Bochum Campus
Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum Coordinated of the entrance door: 51°26'41.9"N 7°15'53.0"E Süd, not Nord. Press 2, not 02 in the elevator.
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Registration for this event is currently open.