Chair: Laura Sagunski
Neutron stars are among the most fascinating and intriguing objects in the Universe. These compact objects contain matter in the densest and coldest form, possess ultrastrong magnetic fields and display ultrahigh velocities. These astrophysical laboratories effectively allow us to investigate properties of matter under the most extreme conditions, far beyond the reach...
Chair: Edwin Genoud-Prachex
Co-Chair: Nassim Borzognia
Mentors: Laura Sagunski, Saeed Rastgoo
Junior mentors: Adam Smith-Orlik, Niklas Becker
On Sep 14, 2015, a dramatic event has taken place. LIGO has detected the first graviational waves of a binary black hole merger and thus started the era of gravitational wave astronomy.
Seeing the universe with these new eyes opens up countless...
Chair: Nassim Bozorgnia
Chair: Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich
Mentors: Saeed Rastgoo, Laura Sagunski
Junior mentors: Robin Diedrichs, Niklas Becker
On Sep 14, 2015, a dramatic event has taken place. LIGO has detected the first graviational waves of a binary black hole merger and thus started the era of gravitational wave astronomy. Seeing the universe with these new eyes opens up countless possibilties to test...
Chair: Robin Diedrichs
Co-Chair: Saeed Rastgoo
Mentors: Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich, Nassim Bozorgnia, Sean Tulin
Junior mentors: Daniel Schmitt, Edwin Genoud-Prachex
Dark matter structures are known to span from dwarf
galaxies to the large scale structure of the cosmic web.
But there is an uncharted territory: Do dark matter structures exist on (much) smaller scales?
The research...