17–21 Sept 2019
Yerevan, Armenia
Etc/GMT+4 timezone

Quark-hadron pasta phases for two-phase approaches and the third family of compact stars

20 Sept 2019, 09:40
Yerevan, Armenia

Yerevan, Armenia

Department of Physics, Alex Manoogian str. 1, Yerevan, Armenia


David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw)


The effect of pasta phases on the quark-hadron phase transition is investigated for a set of
relativistic mean-field equations of state for both hadron and quark matter. The results of the full
numerical solution with pasta phases are compared with those of an interpolating construction used
in previous works, for which we demonstrate an adequate description of the numerical results. A
one-to-one mapping of the free parameter of the construction to the physical surface tension of the
quark-hadron interface is obtained for which a fit formula is given. For each pair of quark and
hadron matter models the critical value of the surface tension is determined, above which the phase
transition becomes close to the Maxwell construction. This result agrees well with earlier theoretical
estimates. The study is extended to neutron star matter in beta equilibrium with electrons and muons
and is applied to investigate the effect of pasta phases on the structure of hybrid compact stars and
the robustness of a possible third family solution.
[1] K. Maslov et al., Phys. Rev. C 100, 025802 (2019)


David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw) Konstantin Maslov (NRNU MEPhI) Hovik Grigorian Alexander Ayriyan (JINR & AANL) Toshitaka Tatsumi (Kyoto U.) Toshiki Maruyama (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Nobutoshi Yasutake (Chiba Institute of Technology)

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