ML-based Trigger


Bi-weekly meeting to discuss the trigger developments using machine leaning

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  • Click on the pen in the upper right corner --> Edit Event -->  Timetable --> Add new --> Contribution (provide Title and add yourself as contributor) --> Save
  • Switch to display view --> click on the pen in your contribution --> Material editor --> Upload Files 
    • 1
      Towards common samples: real data
      Speakers: Christian Kiesling (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), Christian Kiesling (Max Planck Society (DE))
    • 2
      Hit Classification
      Speakers: Greta Heine, Greta Sophie Heine, Greta Sophie Heine (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
    • 3
      Upgrade of the Neural Network Track Trigger for Belle II
      Speaker: Simon Hiesl
    • 4
      Improving the Belle II Neural Track Trigger with Deep Neural Networks
      Speaker: Timo Forsthofer