ABRACADABRA, A Broadband/Resonant Approach to Cosmic Axion Detection with an Amplifying B-field Ring Apparatus, is an experiment that searches for ultra-light axion and axion-like dark matter in the mass range
We consider the prospects for multiple dark matter direct detection experiments to determine if the interactions of a dark matter candidate are isospin-violating. We focus on theoretically well-motivated examples of isospin-violating dark matter (IVDM), including models in which dark matter interactions with nuclei are mediated by a dark photon, a Z, or a squark. We determine that the best...
The dark matter (DM) halo of M31 is predicted to extend to roughly 300 kpc from its center, and have a mass on the order of 10^{12} M_sun, which amounts to roughly 90% of the galaxy's total mass. The halo is also predicted to contain a large amount of substructure, a subset of which hosts M31's population of satellite dwarf galaxies. At a distance of about 785 kpc from the Milky Way (MW), the...
The properties of the dark matter particle(s), including its mass and self interactions, affect the abundance and density profiles of dark matter substructure with viral masses below 10^9 solar masses. When these halos impinge on the multiple images in strong gravitational lenses, they perturb image magnifications significantly. To connect this observable to populations of dark matter halos...
The expansion rate of the universe had a strong influence on the origin of the dark matter abundance during the early stages of the universe's evolution, mainly prior to big-bang nucleosynthesis. Any departure of the expansion rate of the universe from the standard cosmological model during that time can modify the dark matter abundance. In this poster, I will show the role played by a scalar...
The COSINE-100 experiment is a NaI(Tl) dark matter direct detection experiment, with the goal of testing DAMA’s claim for dark matter detection by looking for an annual modulation signal. It has 8 NaI(Tl) crystals, adding to a total of 106 kg, and 2000 liters of a liquid scintillator veto. Located at the Yangyang Underground Laboratory, South Korea, COSINE-100 has been running since September...
GAPS is the first experiment optimized primarily to detect low-energy cosmic antideuterons and antiprotons. Any observation of low-energy antideuterons would indicate new physics because the expected flux of such particles from conventional astrophysics is extraordinarily small. Meanwhile, low-energy antiprotons can be used to probe cosmic-ray propagation models, and with sensitivity to both...
Although the freeze-out of the dark matter (DM) number density depends on the evolution of the DM temperature, their co-evolution remains largely unexplored; it is usually assumed that the DM and standard model (SM) sectors have the same temperature. On the other hand, when the DM particles pair-annihilate with one DM particle in the final state (semi-annihilate), there is no guarantee that...
The interaction rate of hypothesized dark matter particles in an Earth bound detector is expected to undergo an annual modulation due to the planet’s orbital motion. The DAMA/LIBRA experiment has observed such a modulation with high significance in an array of scintillating NaI(Tl) crystals. This claim is still unverified inasmuch as the other experiments involved in this research use...
Supernova 1987A provides strong constraints on dark-sector particles with masses below ~100 MeV. If such particles are produced in sufficient quantity, they reduce the cooling time of the supernova, in conflict with observations. We consider the resulting constraints on dark photons, milli-charged particles, axions and sub-GeV dark matter coupled to dark photons. For the first time, we include...
Macroscopic objects made of baryonic matter with sizable strangeness (i.e. many of the valence quarks are strange quarks, rather than the usual up and down quarks found in protons and neutrons) may be stable, and may have formed prior to nucleosynthesis [1][2] thus evading the principal constraint on baryonic dark matter. We have analyzed the expected signals that would be...
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is a neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment operating at the 4850' level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility that uses modular arrays of enriched, 76Ge detectors in an ultra-low background environment. The DEMONSTRATOR has a low energy program that is capable of probing a variety of exotic keV-scale physics; it has recently produced limits on generic...
An investigation into the signatures of breaking the symmetry of the current group structure of Nature in order to determine the fate of the strong and electromagnetic forces as the Universe expands and cools from 2.7 K to 0 K. A spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) is considered and constraints upon the scalar fields charged under SU(3)_C and U(1)_EM are discussed. For the usual Higgs...
We estimate the gravitational radiation signature of the electron/positron annihilation-driven neutrino burst accompanying the asymmetric collapse of an initially hydrostatic, radiation-dominated supermassive object suffering the Feynman-Chandrasekhar instability.
An object with a mass $5\times10^4M_\odot
The direct detection of sub-GeV dark matter has received increased interest in the last few years. Recent proposals for experimental ideas using dark matter electron scattering have opened up previously unexplored, but theoretically well-motivated, regions of parameter space. As these experiments increase their cross section reach and exposures, they will start to become sensitive to...
The Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX) proposes a high-statistics search for low- mass dark matter in fixed-target electron-nucleus collisions. Ultimately, LDMX will explore thermal relic dark matter over most of the viable sub-GeV mass range to a decisive level of sensitivity. To achieve this goal, LDMX employs the missing momentum technique, where electrons scattering in a thin target can...
Searches for dark matter annihilations in the Sun have resulted in some of the strongest bounds on the dark matter proton scattering cross section. Solar dark matter searches, however face an irreducible background from solar atmospheric neutrinos. We are presenting a search for solar atmospheric neutrinos conducted with the IceCube neutrino telescope to quantify this sensitivity floor....
Rotation curves of galaxies have diverse behavior in the central regions, but they obey an organizing principle in that the rotation curves can be approximately described by a radial acceleration relation or the Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) phenomenology. We show that both the diversity
and uniformity are naturally reproduced in a hierarchical structure formation model with the simple...
COSINE-100 is a direct detection dark matter experiment consisting of 106 kg of low-background NaI(Tl) detectors located at the Yangyang Underground Laboratory in Korea. One of the primary physics goals of COSINE-100 is to search for a WIMP-induced annual modulation signal to confirm or refute DAMA/LIBRA’s claim of dark matter discovery. The search for an annual modulation signal requires a...
The observation of a neutrinoless double