Session 18: Facilities
- Hanguo Wang (UCLA)
The DarkSide-50 two-phase liquid argon (LAr) detector has been searching for weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter for more than three years, and during last two and a half years has been successfully operating the detector with argon that was extracted from underground CO$_2$ wells in Cortez, Colorado in the US. This source of argon has been long shielded from cosmic rays...
The activity on direct search for dark matter at the Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc (LSC) is reviewed. At LSC, presently, ANAIS is in data taking to probe the DAMA/LIBRA longstanding result on annual modulation. The two-phase ton-scale liquid argon detector ArDM is in data taking. ArDM will turn into a crucial facility for DarkSide-20k by the end of 2018. More R&D activities are underway...
Direct searches for dark matter candidates require deep underground research facilities and specialised low background infrastructure and associated capabilities. As the dark matter community develops ever more sensitive detectors, the requirements placed on deep underground facilities and these capabilities become even more stringent. This talk will review recent progress within deep...