Session 9: Axions, Alps, Wisps as dark matter
- Graham Giovanetti (Princeton University)
Session 9: Axions, Alps, Wisps as dark matter-continuation
- Pierre Sikivie (University of Florida)
- Graham Giovanetti (Princeton University)
The Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) is a DOE "Generation 2" direct-detection dark matter project searching for $\mu$eV axions. Exploiting the inverse primakoff effect where $a \rightarrow \gamma^{*} \gamma $, the experiment utilizes a tunable, high-Q cavity, submerged in a 8 Tesla magnetic field and looks for the resonant conversion of axions into microwave photons. Over the last decade...
It has now been proven that the Universe is mostly filled with what we cannot see; dark matter. The presence of dark matter had profound consequences on the evolution of the Universe. The Standard Model does not accommodate a suitable dark matter candidate. Therefore the existence of dark matter is a crucial phenomenological evidence for physics Beyond the Standard Model. The pressing goal of...
We propose a new strategy to search for dark matter axions in the mass range of 40–400μeV by introducing dielectric haloscopes, which consist of dielectric disks placed in a magnetic field. When an interface between different dielectric media is inside a magnetic field, the oscillating axion field acts as a source of electromagnetic waves, which emerge in both directions perpendicular to the...
The axion is a well-motivated hypothetical particle which candidates to constitute the observed cold dark matter budget. In this talk, I first revise the properties of the axion in light of current bounds from astrophysics and cosmology, and give some prospects for future searches. I then discuss some mechanisms to relax such bounds. I conclude by presenting a possible detection challenge,...
Recently there has been much interest in the spatial distribution of light scalar dark matter, especially axions, throughout the universe. When the local gravitational interactions between the scalar modes are sufficiently rapid, it can cause the field to re-organize into a Bose-Einstein condensate of gravitationally bound clumps. These clumps are stable when only gravitation is included, but...
I overview the dark matter model offering a very natural explanation of two (naively unrelated) problems in cosmology: the observed relation $\Omega_{\rm DM}\sim\Omega_{\rm visible}~~$ and the observed asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the Universe, known as the ``baryogenesis" problem. In this framework, both types of matter (dark and visible) have the same QCD origin, form at...
Low-mass bosonic dark matter particles produced after the Big Bang may form an oscillating classical field, which can be sought for in a variety of low-energy laboratory experiments based on spectroscopic, interferometric and magnetometric techniques, as well as in various astrophysical phenomena. Dark bosons can also mediate anomalous fifth forces between ordinary-matter particles that can be...
The Dark Matter Radio (DM Radio) is a sensitive search for sub-eV axion and hidden photon dark matter over a wide mass range. While Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) have been the primary focus of direct detection for several decades, there has been growing interest in searching for ultra-light-field candidates such as the hidden photon (spin 1 boson) and axion (spin 0 boson). DM...