Session 7: Dark matter theory
- Katherine Freese (University of Michigan)
Recent astronomical observations, indicating that the universe at high redshfts, z=5 -10, is unexpectedly densely populated by bright galaxies, supermassive black holes (quasars), gamma-bursters, supernovae and is very dusty, are reviewed. It is argued that the origin of these early formed objects is at odds with the conventional theory of their formations. Moreover, similar and probably...
SUSY with radiatively driven naturalness combines solutions to the gauge hierarchy problem, the strong CP problem, the SUSY mu problem and the Little Hierarchy problem. Dark matter is expected to be a higgsino-like WIMP plus SUSY DFSZ axion admixture where axions typically dominate the dark matter abundance. Nonetheless, prospects are better for WIMP detection than for axion detection. If...
The absence of confirmed signal in dark matter (DM) direct detection (DD) may suggest a weak coupling between DM and the first generation quarks. In this work we consider a real scalar dark matter $S$ which has new Yukawa interactions with charm $c$ and top quark $t$ via a vector-like fermion mediator $\psi$. By setting the Higgs portal to be negligible, we focus on the new Yukawa...
In this talk I will present a new halo-independent formalism for the analysis of direct dark matter detection experiments which proves that: either the dark matter speed distribution or the Galactic dark matter velocity distribution that maximizes any likelihood can always be expressed in terms of a small number of delta functions. The aforementioned proof, based on the Fenchel-Eggleston...
Halo-independent methods in the analysis of WIMP detection data have up to now provided separate constraints for specific integrals of the WIMP velocity distribution, and have assumed separate velocity distributions for the modulated and unmodulated rates. This has hindered the statistical interpretation of the results and has restricted the analysis to the comparison of experiments. I have...
Flipped SU(5) is embedded in a no-scale supergravity framework and discuss its predictions for cosmic microwave background observables which are Starobinsky-like, with a possible variation in the ratio r of the tensor to scalar perturbations. I'll discuss the model's predictions for neutrino masses,and show their dependence on the inflaton mass,thus correlating the heavy right-handed neutrino...