The ArDM experiment, installed in the Canfranc underground laboratory LSC in Spain, is the first tonne-scale dual phase Liquid Argon detector designed for direct Dark Matter detection. Due to its size it represents an important milestone in the world wide effort for the development of large LAr Dark Matter detectors. The results from a commissioning run in the single phase operational mode were essential for the upgrade of the experimental setup and the transition to dual phase operation. Recently the main detector vessel was filled with about a tonne of Liquid Argon and commissioning in the dual phase operational mode has started. In the talk we will review the most important results from the single phase commissioning run and will present a status and first result from dual phase operation. We will also give an outlook on the mid term experimental program of ArDM comprising developments at LSC for next generation detectors in the framework of depleted argon research (DART) within DS20k.