Hartmut Wittig: Hadronic contributions to the muon g-2 from Lattice QCD — Where do we stand?

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      Hadronic contributions to the muon g-2 from Lattice QCD — Where do we stand?

      Following the publication of the first results from the E989 experiment at Fermilab, the discrepancy between the measured value of the anomalous magnetic moment and the Standard Model prediction has increased to 4.2 standard deviations. The uncertainty of the theoretical prediction is dominated by the hadronic vacuum polarisation contribution, which is traditionally evaluated using dispersion integrals and experimental hadronic cross section data. However, recent lattice QCD calculations have provided hints for a reduced tension with the experimental measurement. In this talk I review the status of lattice calculations for the hadronic vacuum polarisation contribution with a particular focus on a class of benchmark quantities, the so-called window observables, which can be determined reliably with high precision, both in lattice QCD and the data-driven approach. The implications for precision tests of the Standard Model are discussed.

      Speaker: Hartmut Wittig (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))