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The registrations are now closed; nevertheless if you are willing to participate, it is recommended to get in touch directly with Chloé Aubisse-Daniault.

The first IP Paris Science Forum will be held on Thursday 21 October 2021 at Télécom Paris.

Organized by IP Paris researchers and PhD students for IP Paris researchers and PhD students, the objective of this convivial day is to bring together the ten departments of the Institute in order to share the variety of sciences carried out within the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

The program will include dynamic presentations on various themes showing the diversity of our laboratories' research, a round table on health bringing together the ten departments, exchanges around scientific posters, etc.

In order to build the program for this day, which is crucial to the cohesion of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, a committee made up of researchers from each school is calling for contributions from doctoral students and researchers to propose posters or scientific demonstrations that can be transported to the main hall of Télécom Paris.

The 2021 Steering Committee of researchers:

Marie-Laure Allain (ENSAE) - Jean Boisson (ENSTA) - Yvan Bonnassieux (X) - Hervé Debar (TSP) - Florence Tupin (TP);

PhD Students:

Emanuele Dalsasso (TP) - Chloé Giraudet (X);

and scientific communicants:

Chloé Aubisse-Daniault (X) - Samantha Bonnet (TP)


IP Paris Science Forum organisers
    • 1
      Coffee reception
    • 2
      Welcome speech by Benoît Deveaud
    • Scientific Talks 1
      • 3
        IDIA - Why Build a European Quantum Communication Infrastructure? (LTCI)
        Speaker: Romain Alléaume (Télécom Paris)
      • 4
        Biologie - On the importance of messenger RNA decoding: implications in human diseases (BIOC)
        Speaker: Marc GRAILLE
      • 5
        Physique - De la matière confinée à la matière déconfinée, et inversement (LLR)
        Speaker: Emilie Maurice (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 6
        Mécanique - Intégrer la variabilité climatique dans l'évaluation des systèmes énergétiques intégrant une forte part d'énergies renouvelables variables (LMD)
        Speaker: Alexis TANTET
      • 7
        Economie - The old-age security motive for fertility : Evidence from the extension of social pensions in Namibia (CREST)
        Speaker: Pauline ROSSI
      • 8
        Mathématiques - Mathematics in general relativity (CMLS)
        Speaker: Cécile HUNEAU
      • 9
        Physique - Electronic wavefonction localization and its consequences in semiconductors (PMC)
        Speaker: Alistair ROWE
      • 10
        IDIA - A journey into the world of non-volatile memory (SAMOVAR)
        Speaker: Gaël THOMAS
      • 11
        Chimie - Complexes of phosphorus ligand for a more sustainable catalysis (LCM)
        Speaker: Audrey AUFRANT
    • 11:04
      Coffe break with Posters
    • Scientific Talks 2
      • 12
        IDIA - Improving data efficiency for machine learning in robotics (U2IS)
        Speaker: David FILLAT
      • 13
        Physique - Hybrid quantum circuits in Polytechnique (PMC)
        Speakers: Jean-Damien PILLET, Landry BRETHEAU
      • 14
        ICE - Heterogeneous Traffic Types in Modern Networks (LTCI)
        Speaker: Michèle WIGGER
      • 15
        Mécanique - Can sheet cuttings control flow-indiced deformation (LadHyX)
        Speaker: Sophie RAMANANARIVO
    • 13:00
      Lunch W/O posters
    • Scientific Talks 3
      • 16
        Mathématiques - Rare events analysed with extreme value theory and statistical learning (LTCI)
        Speaker: Anne SABOURIN
      • 17
        Chimie - Hydrogène : production, stockage, utilisation (UCP)
        Speaker: Laurent CATOIRE
      • 18
        IDIA - How can formal verification help us trusting Cyber - Physical Systems ? (LIX)
        Speaker: Sergio MOVER
      • 19
        Mécanique - Exêrimental characterization of dynamic stall noise for wind turbine applications (IMSIA)
        Speaker: Benjamin COTTE
      • 20
        Physique - Planétologie à l'aide des lasers (LULI)
        Speaker: Vincent TOMMASO
      • 21
        SSM - (In)explicable IA : quels effets dans l'organisation ? (I3)
        Speaker: Véronique STEYER
      • 22
        Mathématiques - Dynamique des systèmes gravitationnels (UMA)
        Speaker: Jérôme PEREZ
      • 23
        IDIA - Challenges of large-scale data synchronization (LTCI)
        Speaker: Petr KUZNETSOV
    • 15:30
      Coffee break with posters
    • Crossed views on health
      • 24
        Biologie - titre tbd (LOB)
        Speaker: Jean-Louis MERGNY
      • 25
        Physique - Imagerie Biomédicale (LOB)
        Speaker: Marie-Claire SCHANNE-KLEIN
      • 26
        Economie - Algorithme d'affectation des dons croisés d'organes/greffes de rein (CREST)
        Speaker: Julien COMBE
      • 27
        Mathématiques - titre tbc (CMAP)
        Speaker: Sylvie MELEARD
      • 28
        ICE - titre tbd (LTCI)
        Speaker: Joe WIART
      • 29
        IDIA - Health status assessment from behavioral biometrics signal; Machine & Deep Learning; Al and Aid to Diagnosis (SAMOVAR)
        Speaker: Mounim EL YACOUBI
      • 30
        Mécanique - Mécanique des tissus biologiques et implications médicales (trachée, cornée, dentine, etc) (LMS)
        Speaker: Jean-Marc ALLAIN
      • 31
        SHALL - Démocratie sanitaire (LINX)
        Speaker: Michaël FOESSEL
    • 17:00
      Closing remarks followed by a Cocktail