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The registrations are now closed; nevertheless if you are willing to participate, it is recommended to get in touch directly with Chloé Aubisse-Daniault.
The first IP Paris Science Forum will be held on Thursday 21 October 2021 at Télécom Paris.
Organized by IP Paris researchers and PhD students for IP Paris researchers and PhD students, the objective of this convivial day is to bring together the ten departments of the Institute in order to share the variety of sciences carried out within the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
The program will include dynamic presentations on various themes showing the diversity of our laboratories' research, a round table on health bringing together the ten departments, exchanges around scientific posters, etc.
In order to build the program for this day, which is crucial to the cohesion of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, a committee made up of researchers from each school is calling for contributions from doctoral students and researchers to propose posters or scientific demonstrations that can be transported to the main hall of Télécom Paris.
The 2021 Steering Committee of researchers:
Marie-Laure Allain (ENSAE) - Jean Boisson (ENSTA) - Yvan Bonnassieux (X) - Hervé Debar (TSP) - Florence Tupin (TP);
PhD Students:
Emanuele Dalsasso (TP) - Chloé Giraudet (X);
and scientific communicants:
Chloé Aubisse-Daniault (X) - Samantha Bonnet (TP)