24–26 Apr 2019
Other Institutes
Europe/Zurich timezone

Cross-sections of Light Nuclei in the Glauber-Gribov representation

24 Apr 2019, 11:40
Other Institutes

Other Institutes

CIEMAT Main auditorium - building 1 Avda. Complutense 40 28040 Madrid Spain
Oral Nuclear reactions at low and intermediate energies Nuclear reactions at low and intermediate energies


Prof. Vladimir Grichine (Lebedev Institute of RAS)


The Glauber-Gribov approach (corrections for both elastic and inelastic nucleon screening) is considered for the description of light nucleus-nucleus cross-sections. It was found that electromagnetic nucleus radii are result in better description of measurements. The calculations are compared with experimental data for the reaction cross-sections


Prof. Vladimir Grichine (Lebedev Institute of RAS)

Presentation materials