11–13 Jan 2023
Murcia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Multipartite information in conformal field theories

13 Jan 2023, 11:20
Universidad de Murcia, Campus de la Merced (Murcia, Spain)

Universidad de Murcia, Campus de la Merced

Murcia, Spain

Paraninfo Campus de la Merced C. Santo Cristo 1 30001 Murcia Spain


Vilar López, Alejandro (Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB))


The mutual information between two subsystems is a well-known information theoretic quantity which, contrary to other measures such as entanglement entropy, remains finite in the continuum limit of quantum field theories. It is possible to generalize it by considering a system made out of N distinct parts, in which case we compute the N-partite information shared by them. In this talk, we will provide some general results for the N-partite information between spatial subregions in the ground state of CFTs: generic behaviour at long distances, relation between bulk and boundary N-partite informations in holographic theories, and lattice computations for a free boson in 2+1 dimensions, which support the analytical results obtained.

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