11–13 Jan 2023
Murcia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

de Sitter space and braneworld holography

13 Jan 2023, 15:00
Universidad de Murcia, Campus de la Merced (Murcia, Spain)

Universidad de Murcia, Campus de la Merced

Murcia, Spain

Paraninfo Campus de la Merced C. Santo Cristo 1 30001 Murcia Spain


Pedraza, Juan (IFT-CSIC/UAM)


Quantum backreaction in semi-classical gravity is a notoriously difficult task. In this talk, I will explain how braneworld holography can help us tackle this problem. I will review some basic properties of braneworld models with or without a cosmological constant, emphasizing various semi-classical properties of the solutions. As an application, I will consider the backreaction due to conformal matter in conical de Sitter space and show that it gives rise to quantum dS black holes in 3D, solutions that do not have a classical counterpart.

Presentation materials